The National Redemption Project 2025
Transitional Aftercare Housing Facilities in Alabama

The National Redemption Project 2025
Transitional Aftercare Housing Facilities in Alabama
National Chaplain Minister Doris Robinson of Birmingham Alabama heads up our Ministerial Team offering "Reentry Aftercare Counseling" before and after our clients are released from incarcerations. She also heads up our Veterans Assistance Program assisting those that are incarcerated and their family members with obtaining their veteran benefits. As a 2004 OEF (Operation Enduring Freedom) / Gobal War Terrorism Afghanistan Veteran she is determined to see that ALL Veterans are receiving their proper benefits. As our Executive Secretary please forward all inquiries to her at: doris.outreachbham@gmail.com
Matthew 25:35-36 For I was hunger, and you gave me meat: I was thirsty and you gave me drink; I was a stranger and you took me in; Naked and you clothed me; I was sick and you visited me; I was in prison and you came unto me!
Our National Director Elder Willie Simpson was @ Hofstra University in Long Island New York with the National Redemption Project TEAM @ the "Reentry Resource Fair" There was also a special book signing for his new book REDEEMED!. Order your signed book today at williesimpsonbook@gmail.com
Outreach Reentry Ministry now offering counselling and personal representation at the Alabama Parole Open Board Hearings in Montgomery Alabama. Our Three Phase Programs (Preparation) (Transition) & (Stabilization) are in full force. Please contact our Processing Department @ 256-394-3306 / 205-533-4696.
Join us every Thursday for (one hour) @ 8pm EST/ 7pm CST / 5pm PST on our virtual platform ZOOM. Get connected with our National Team from around the nation!!!
Click the Link below to join in on the conversation!!!
Our Certified Aftercare Counselors are available by appointments only by contacting our National Chaplain Minister Doris Robinson @ 205-533-4696
There are 2.3 million disenfranchised voters across the five states of Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana and Mississippi. These individuals cannot weigh in on issues of importance to their lives because of policies and processes that prohibit or hamper their election participation. We have partnered with the Southern Poverty Law Center in Alabama to work directly with returning citizens to encourage democratic participation, support individuals in the process of registering to vote, and in exercising their right to vote
Ms. Pamela Wardlaw from Connecticut but now resides in the ATL, the Founder & Executive Director of the Preparation Room is our 2024 -2025 Volunteer of the year!!!
Executive Director Pastor Lee Robbins of Tackle the Shackle prison ministry & Executive Director Elder Willie Simpson of Outreach Reentry Ministry sharing a moment at the "You Can Do It Banquet" in Atlanta GA.
Supporting the Offenders, Ex-Offenders & Their Family Members:
After 46 years of incarceration in the Arkansas Department of Corrections Evanglelist Shellian Danner now provides support to our applicants for the development and implementation of comprehensive and collaborative reentry strategies specifically designed to increase public safety by reducing recidivism. shelliandanner@gmail.com
Elder Willie Simpson Founder & National Director of Outreach Reentry Ministry, Inc discusses the Redemption Project with Florence Mayor Andy Betterton. The National Redemption Project is offered to Ex-offenders and their Families and to the Homeless Population in Florence, Alabama and around the country.. The wraparound programs & services consist of the following: Basic Life Skills, Substance Abuse / Trauma / Gate Fever Education / Root Based Therapeutics / Mental Health / AA-NA / Stabilization Aftercare / Entrepreneurship / Workforce Development / Job Placement / Credit Report Adjustment / Computer Literacy Classes / Civil & Social Rights Responsibilities / Homeless Assistance / VA Assistance / Criminal Justice Reform & Programs for the At Risk & High Risk Youth in our communities. For more info please visit our Redemption Project page!!
Outreach Reentry Ministry, Inc. Chairman Councilman Sam Pendleton is in the process of working with Mayor Andy Betterton in opening a Aftercare Transitional Facility in the city of Florence, Alabama. We will also be reaching out to our Partners around the country as we seek to take our Criminal Justice Reform Mission and the National Redemption Project nationwide!
If your Ministry or Organization would like to become apart of this national movement (The National Redemption Project) please contact our administrative offices @ 256-394-3306 or outreachreentryministry@mail.com
As the Outreach Reentry Ministry Task Force our Mission is Criminal Justice Reform our Goal is to assist Offenders, Ex-offenders their Families Members & the Homeless Population through the National Redemption Project and our Three (3) Step Phase Programs (1) Preparation (2) Transition & (3) Stabilization
National Director: Elder Willie Simpson, AL outreachreentryministry@mail.com
National Board President Pastor Melvin Smith, AL outreach.montgomery@gmail.com
National Board Member Mr. Ray Comeau Costa Rica raycomeauwriting@gmail.com
National Board Member Ms. Joan Edme GA chancesinterprise@gmail.com
National Accountant Mr. Richard Telesford, GA rtelesford08@gmail.com
National Chaplain / Secretary Doris Robinson AL doris.outreachbham@gmail.com
IBEW Union 443 Mr. Corey Springs, AL corey@Ibew443.org
The Preparation Room Dr. Pamela Wardlaw Reese, GA pamelareese56@gmail.com
Delivered 2 DA Maxx Evanglelist Shellian Danner AR shelliandanner@gmail.com
The KEMP Foundation Mr. Anthony Kemp, MS kemp27889@gmail.com
Restoring Englewood Action Plan Marlon Hammond IL hammondmarlon@ymail.com
Taking It To The Streetz Tanaka Walls IL t.mitchell600@gmail.com
The Kevin Clark Hope Foundation Ms. Telisa Clark, LA mrsdesignermade@gmail.com
Reign 4 Life Marcellus Morris, New York marcellus.morris@yahoo.com
Mr. Kendetric Duck, MS southsoundmuzik662@gmail.com
Mr. Julius Burnside, MS kempfoundationms@gmail.com
Ms. Lakisha Edwards, AL elleelleshae@gmail.com
Mr. Gladden Williams, GA communityconnectionnetwork@gmail.com
Mr. Micah Carter AL micah_carter@gmail.com
Mrs. Patricia Adams, AL triciaannadams@yahoo.com
Ms. Valerie Timmons, AL timmonsvalerie@yahoo.com
Ms. Thelisa Ward, GA tlflair@yahoo.com
Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals of helping to reduce recidivism in our jails and prison systems. Your generous donation will help fund our mission. Thank you and God bless you!
*Cognitive Behavior Therapy / Gate Fever Education - Meeting the emotional-social behavioral needs at pre-release
*Employment & Entrepreneurship - obtaining employment or entrepreneurial opps for those released
*Housing - meeting housing needs of those released
*Health & Wellness / Ttauma / Root Based Therapeutics - meeting medical care needs to those released
*Education / Workforce Development - meeting educational needs for those released
*Life Skills & Employability Skills - meeting the life & employability skills of those released
*Restoration of Civil & Social Rights - assisting those released to obtain the restoration of their civil rights so that they can live as full citizens after they have paid their debt to society
Outreach Reentry Ministry, Inc. / "The Redemption Project" provides programs and services to prisoners, ex-offenders and their family members through our Wraparound services. Our programs and services provide support to those applicants for the development and implementation of comprehensive and collaborative reentry strategies specifically designed to increase public safety by reducing recidivism.
Outreach Reentry Ministry, Inc. / "The Redemption Project" provides reentry programs and services to individuals leaving incarceration (with a focus on individuals identified as being at medium to high risk to recidivism) including AA / NA programs, anger management, conflict resolution & trauma classes. support for housing, education, employment and family relationships as well as and mental health treatment linkages, and therapy that addresses criminal thinking patterns.
Outreach Reentry Ministry, Inc. / "The Redemption Project" is best accomplished through a phased approach. The three basic phases of successful reentry used by Outreach Reentry Ministry, Inc. /"The Redemption Project" are indicated below:
* Preparation
* Transitional
* Stabilization
* Preparation: Beginning 6 to 12 months prior to release. Volunteers focus on equipping the prisoners with the skills, education, and resources needed to make a successful transition to the outside world.
* Transitional: When the ex-prisoner leaves the prison gates reentry volunteers make sure he or she has safe housing, food, clothing, and many other key supports. During the early days of release most ex-prisoners need daily encouragement and assistance until the crisis-levels needed are resolved. Then they need continued weekly contact, spiritual guidance, and emotional support for 6 - 12 months as they find employment, begin to rebuild relationships, and adapt to their new life outside of prison.
* Stabilization: Volunteers continue to disciple and assist the ex-prisoner forward establishing consistent personal habits, healthy relationships, spiritual growth, and church commitment. One very important sign of stabilization is when the ex-prisoner become involved in serving others in the community instead of expecting to be served. This phase is our long term extensive aftercare program which is an on going process!!!!!!!!
Recidivism: Every year approximately 700.000
men and women are released from U.S. Prisons. That's the equivalent of about 2,000 ex-prisoners a day returning to communities across the country. Studies show that without intervention, two-thirds of those will return to prison within three years. Prisoners often go back to prison not because they commit a crime, but because they violate parole.
For many prisoners, the months prior to release are a time of intense fear and insecurity. The time of duress is sometimes referred to as
"Gate Fever"!!!!!!!!
For years decisions were made for them by the Department of Corrections. They were told what to eat, what to wear, where to go, and what to do. Now suddenly the former prisoner must make a myriad of decisions about life in the free world - a place that may no longer feel like home, but more like a foreign country.
The challenge for reentry ministry volunteers is to be prepared to support returning prisoners during their long journey home. This journey actually begins months before they walk out of the prison gates.
The moment ex-prisoners leave the prison gate, they face many critical decisions:
* Where they will live
* Where they will look for a job
* What to eat
* How to pay for these necessities
But this isn't all:
The dire consequences of a felony conviction last far longer than the years spent in prison followed by more time on parole. In addition to those direct punishments:
* lose their right to vote
* can not possess a gun
* offenders are denied licenses for
many jobs
They are frequently:
* Denied parental rights
* Denied driver's licenses
* Denied student loans
* Denied residency in public housing
Sex offenders are required to:
* register with the local police
* Often are banned from many areas
These are called "Collateral Consequences"
We love our customers, so feel free to visit during normal business hours.
2303 Camden Cove West, Muscle Shoals, Alabama 35661, United States
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Elder Willie Simpson Founder & Executive Director