We offer Daily, Weekly & Monthly (Preparational, Transitional & Stabilization) counseling sessions to Community Organizations, Groups and Individual & Family Members of those that have been effective by the Criminal Justice System. To arrange an appointment please contact our National Chaplain Minister Doris Robinson @ 205-533-4696 or email to doris.outreachbham@gmail.com
Our three week Preparation, Transition & Stabilization Aftercare class graduation at the Station Correctional Facility in Alabama
Pastor Melvin Smith encouraging the class during the Preparation session!
Coming together with the brothers in prayer on the yard in the Alabama prison system!
Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals and improve conditions. Your generous donation will fund our mission.
Pastor Melvin Smith President / Director of Outreach Reentry Ministry Montgomery heads up our Substance Abuse AA-NA programs as well as our Celebrate Recovery Reentry programs.
Mr. Raymond Comeau from Costa Rica is our National Educational Coordinator using his experience and educational skills to assist the incarcerated and formerly incarcerated population find the necessary resources and advocacy to succeed.
Please check out his book "What Bad We Do" www.oursoulsdirection.com
Mr. Richard Telesford our National Financial Advisor / Accountant works with our Agencies Nationwide to help us stay financially focused. rtelesford08@gmail.com
Mr. Marcellus Morris the Executive Director of Reign For Life in Long Island New York cordially invites you to attend the "Reentry Resource Fair" at Hofstra University in Hempstead New York !
Arrangements can be made by contacting Reign For Life @ 516-503-1837 marcellus.morris@yahoo.com
Mr. Kendetric Duck, Elder Willie Simpson & Mr. Anthony Kemp discusses our Mississippi Vote Your Voice Campaign and extending our services into the Mississippi Department of Corrections kemp27889@gmail.com
Mr. Marcellus Morris, New York & Mr. Anthony Kemp, Mississippi spending time at the LIA House in Memphis Tenn. with Elder Leo Tate!
Dr. Susan Simmons Stevenson, Dr. Pastor Burnetta Nelson & Elder Willie Simpson celebrating at the Imprint Ministries Official Church Launch in the ATL
Chaplain Alvin Johnson ATL, Stephen Yisreal ATL, Mr. Michael Biggs IN sharing a picture with Mr. Marcellus Morris & his daughter from NY
Thank God for our late National Chaplain Robert McCarther. We celebrate his outstanding life and work with our Organization!
Stephen, Chap & Elder hanging out in the ATL discussing Lethal Weapon Prison Ministries Georgia programs & services that are being presented at the Georgia Diagnostic Center
Pastor Dessie Pullium keeping the National Team in check!!!!!!!!!!!
Elder Willie Simpson, Chaplain Alvin Johnson & King David Means getting ready to open Aftercare Transitional Facilities in the state of Georgia
Mr. Joshua Simpson received the honor due to his national leadership working in At Risk & High Risk Communities around the country.
Pastor Brunetta Nelson received the honor for her New Book & Journal "You Can Do It" which is changing lives nationally
Pastor Dessie Pullium received the honor for her work inside the prisons through their Preparation Transition & Stabilization Aftercare Programs
Dr. Susan Simmons Stevenson received the honor for her National Workforce Development Programs assisting ex-offenders and their family members nationally.
While in Atlanta, the Redemption Project Team met with Bishop Garland Hunt Sr., the pastor of the Father's House former Chairman of the Georgia's Pardon & Parole Board. Chaplain Alvin Johnson of Georgia Diagnostic Prison Center..... Look at GOD!!!
Our Team prepared to register those in Alabama with felony convictions to vote in Montgomery Alabama at the House of Serinity conference hosted by Ms. Lakisha Edwards Founder & Executive Director of the House of Serinity!!!
On October 6th thru the 9th we had an outstanding time at the FICPFM convention at the Marriott in downtown Atlanta
Our National Director Elder Willie Simpson discusses the definition of the Alabama Moral Turpitude Act (HB 282) of 2017 which finally clarified which felonies, state or federal, will not disqualify Alabamians from voting and started the process on restoring the right to vote to tens of thousands of people in Alabama. We are excited to be partnering with the Southern Poverty Law Center in this Voting Rights Restoration Project.