I am excited to be appointed one of the Director's in the State of Illinois for Outreach Reentry Ministry, Inc. My goal is to offer our programs to those incarcerated the Ex-offenders and their Family members. Please contact our Chicago Chapter "Restoring Englewood Action Plan" 312-772-1981
Thanks to the National Board of Directors of the National Redemption Project and the Outreach Reentry Ministry Executive Committee for teaming up with our Chicago organization "Take It To The Streetz". I'm looking forward to using this national platform to take our message nationwide.
Director Mr. Marlon Hammond seeks to assist other agency & organizations in the Chicago Englewood Community with his Health & Wealth Community Development Programs!
After serving 25 years he graduated top of his class in Violence Prevention. We salute you Mr. Melvin Brown for your hard work and dedication in the criminal justice field of Reentry.
Ms. Taneka Walls taking it to the streetz in Chicago. Ms. Taneka Walls specializes in Prison Reentry please contact her agent @ 708-513-8010 for your next event in the Chicago area!!!
Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals and improve conditions. Your generous donation will fund our mission and the funds will remain in the Chicago area.
Thanks to our Chicago Directors Mr. Marlon Hammond and Ms. Taneka Walls for attending our National Stabilization Aftercare Conference in Alabama @ the Shoals Marriott & Shoals Chamber of Commerce. You guys did a great job in representing the state of Illinois.
Ms. Taneka Walls showed up & showed out at the FICPFM conference in Detroit Michigan
Ms. Taneka Walls of Outreach Reentry Ministry Chicago speaking at the Poor People's Campaign in Chicago!!!
Ms. Taneka Walls on the move in Chicago!!!.
Chicago Director Mr. Marlon Hammond meets in a serious strategy session with Senator Sonya Harper on expanding our Reentry Aftercare Programs throughout her Chicago district. Director Marlon Hammond has already made a tremendous impact on his district in Chicago.
Outreach Reentry Ministry Chicago at the 2nd Annual Peace Summit
Director Marlon Hammond and his wife celebrating in New Orleans after a job well done in the Chicago area spreading our Preparation Transition & Stabilization Aftercare Programs!
Chicago Director Taneka Walls discussing our Outreach Reentry Ministry Chicago Aftercare Programs Preparation / Transition / Stabilization
These three outstanding brothers from Chicago joined our Team while at the Chicago Summit. Thank you Brother Marlon Hammond & Ms. Taneka Walls for a job well done!